The secret to the fountain of youth has been sought after since the beginning of time. Researchers studied for decades trying to find ways to stop the aging process to help people look younger.
There are facial exercises and skin care routines which have been developed over the years, which are proven to improve your appearance, but ultimately the most important factors in looking and feeling younger is, healthy eating habits and regular exercise.
You can't stop the aging process, but you can look younger by doing simple things, and applying some easy techniques, which will help you to achieve the real results you desire.
Here are 10 easy steps to follow to speed up the process to look younger.
1. Exercise regularly: you're guaranteed to look and feel younger by maintaining your body. The chemicals which regulate your system are kept fresh and active. It also helps overall blood circulation, which in turn circulates the blood under the skin.
2. Eating healthy every day will keep you fit, slim, and help you to look younger. Try to eat less red meat's, and replace them with fish, lean turkey, high fiber carbohydrates: Sprouted whole-wheat bread, sweet potatoes, Brown Rice, and fruits and vegetables. Also, it is important to limit coffee and other drinks with high levels of caffeine.
3. Good sleep patterns are invaluable: You must have heard the old term "beauty sleep", well, it is no joke. Getting proper sleep is crucial, and it is your core energy that helps you maintain strength. Sleep also releases a growth hormone which, renews old cells, so you can naturally look younger.
4. Getting rid of toxins that build up in your body is important for your body to function with more efficiency. Toxins make it harder for your organs to function at their best. A simple low acid apple juice fast, or just eating fruits and vegetables are natural ways to detoxify your body.
5. Learning how to relax be very beneficial to you. Especially, relaxing your face muscles. Meditation, where one of your main objectives is, to relax your eyes and face muscles. This will help you to look younger and more attractive.
6. Being positive helps you to remain relaxed and free of worry, which is a deadly killer. Learning how to relax your face by learning how to regulate your sympathetic nervous system will help you to realize that a change in your thoughts and your attitude, can change the outcome of events in your life to a more positive result.
7. Regular medical checkups: our bodies just aren't perfect. They need attention and tender loving care, so it can respond and work the way you want it to. Regular medical checkups are a good preventative measure to recognize any diseases or irregularities show up.
8. Happy social life: a happy social life can increase our spirits, give us a peaceful mind, and help us to feel and look younger. Communication with your friends, family, and neighbors can bring happiness, and give you a feeling of well-being.
9. Keeping yourself active and busy can increase health by keeping your blood circulating, and your mind active and stimulating.
10. Analyzing and tracking your performance: have you attained your ideal body weight? If not, try to set a goal of attaining that. This change alone can greatly assist in making you look younger.
This list might seem overwhelming to try to remember, but if you can keep in mind the basics of keeping hydrated, exercising regularly, and eating right, you'll be well on your way to hook younger and feeling more youthful in no time at all.
That's a lot to remember and it could take a long time to achieve...
By G. Pokey
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